• Institute of Noetic Sciences (www.noetic.org) consciousness research bridging science and spirit, global transformation, funded partly by the Templeton Foundation (www.templeton.org);
  • Assoc. for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (www.assc.caltech.edu) research in science, philosophy and humanities; Journal of Consciousness Studies (www.imprint.co.uk) publishes articles from the broad field, including scientific studies, psychology and philosophy;
  • Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences (www.societyforchaostheory.org) international, multidisciplinary forum on research into, and applications of, dynamical systems theory, self organization, nonlinear dynamics and complexity theory;
  • The Club of Budapest (www.clubofbudapest.org) founded by Erwin Laszlo to expand evolutionary systems thinking beyond the scientific focus of the General Evolution Research Group www.thedarwinproject.com/gerg/gerg.html into addressing global cultural issues;
  • The John E Mack Institute, formerly the Center for Psychology & Social Change (www.johnemackinstitute.org/center/crossroads) sponsors and co-sponsors initiatives that explore the frontiers of human experience with individuals known as John E. Mack Fellow to serve the transformation of individual consciousness and to further the evolution of the paradigms by which we understand human identity to create a world of greater beauty, peace and justice;
  • The Forge Institute (www.theforge.org) is a trans-traditional, global spiritual community that offers a new kind of teaching model rooted in a variety of spiritual traditions and non-traditions where Forge Transformational Zones (FTZ’s) offer teachings, techniques, resources, event calendars, blogs and forums managed by a leadership team of “zone managers” and “contributing members”;
  • The Foundation for Shamanic Studies (www.shamanism.org) is dedicated to the preservation, study, and teaching of shamanic knowledge for the welfare of the Planet and its inhabitants through the teaching of founder, anthropologist Dr. Michael Harner, in the fields of Core Shamanism (universal principles), Indigenous Shamanisms (specific cultures) and Shamanic Innovations (as applied in daily life);
  • The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) (www.maps.org) assists scientists to design, fund, obtain approval for and report on studies into the risks and benefits of MDMA, psychedelic drugs and marijuana to develop them into FDA-approved prescription medicines, by raising funds for specific research projects;
  • Esalen Institute (www.esalen.org) the prototypical 60’s/70’s growth centre, where encounter (Will Schutz), gestalt (Fritz Perls), holotropic breathwork (Stan Grof) and other human potential traditions were gestated, as well as hosting people such as Gregory Bateson and Joseph Campbell;
  • New York Open Center (www.opencenter.org) is a non-profit, urban, educational and cultural center offering programs to heal the body and nourish the soul through the adoption of a more holistic, ecological and spiritual worldview, where life-enhancing, creative initiatives are given voice, and shared values develop community;
  • Omega Institute (www.omega.org) provides innovative educational experiences that awaken the best in the human spirit, bringing hope and healing for individuals and society, through holism, integrity, service, simplicity, sustainability, teamwork, accountability;
  • Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (www.kripalu.org) offers programs of discovery and inspiration in yoga, health, spirituality, science, self discovery, creativity; Conference on World Affairs (www.colorado.edu), founded in 1948 as a forum on international affairs, encompasses the arts, media, science, diplomacy, technology, environment, spirituality, politics, business, medicine, human rights, with 80,000 attendees at an all free 5 day event.
  • Christine Page, MD (www.christinepage.com) is known as a mystical physician, raised amongst healers and psychics, always connected intuitively to other realms of consciousness, offers soul readings and seminars on the wisdom of the body, interactive astrology seminars, tours to sacred sites and others, is a messenger and bridge builder between different worlds including modalities of health care or levels of consciousness, author of 6 books, the best known being Frontiers of Health, her latest being 2012 and the Galactic Center; the Return of the Great Mother.
  • Dr. Larry Dossey (www.dosseydossey.com) is a former physician of internal medicine and former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chair of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, author of eleven books dealing with consciousness, spirituality, and healing, including the New York Times bestseller Healing Words, and most recently The Power of Premonitions, executive editor of the peer-reviewed journal EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, world wide lecturer, lives in Santa Fe with wife Barbara, nurse-consultant, educator, author of several award-winning books.